Older woman with finger on temple

Your Brain Is Your Main Domain — Intentional Support Is Required For Longevity

What are you doing to maintain your brain’s health?

One of the things many older adults fear is losing their mental faculties.

In February, I watched the 12-episode world premier, “Better Brain Blueprint — The Science Of Mental And Cognitive Wellness,” hosted by Austin Perlmutter, MD. This groundbreaking documentary series focuses on protecting, healing and keeping the brain sharp. A sample list of renowned authorities includes Mark Hyman, MD; Jim Kwik; Mark Burhenne, DDS; Sara Gottfried, MD; and Lisa Mosconi, PhD. Check out the program’s vision and entire list of presenters here.

The shared experiences by this phenomenal team of experts are supported by science, research and ongoing studies. I’d like to highlight some key takeaways that may inspire you to “improve your brain, improve your life.”

What’s in your “dementia prevention toolkit?”
Did you know that you have the ability to significantly lower your risk for dementia by the daily choices you make? Your basic defensive plan must include eating a diet that consists of fresh fruits and vegetables; nuts, seeds and whole grains; healthy fats like olive oil; limited amounts of red meat, opting for fish and poultry; and removing added sugar and processed foods.

In addition, you should be exercising regularly; getting quality sleep; practicing stress reduction; avoiding smoking; limiting your exposure to air pollution and environmental toxins; minimizing head trauma; avoiding excess alcohol use; welcoming opportunities to try new things; and nurturing meaningful relationships.

Do these fundamental, life-promoting habits sound familiar? Anything that’s going to support your heart, prevent cancer and diabetes, and reduce risks of chronic diseases will also address cognitive decline and dementia, right? All of your body’s systems, organs, cells and functions are interconnected.

And there’s more--
I was intrigued by the interesting research and discussions on the gut-brain connection, key differences in women’s and men’s brains, inflammation, mindfulness, how psychedelics work, depression and anxiety, and supplementation.

Throughout the series, I appreciated references to the mind-body connection and the underscoring of nutrition. A fascinating discussion about the steady growth in the relatively new field of study called nutritional psychiatry reveals the importance of mental health today. This information is affirming. What we eat is critical to our overall well-being. Using my experiences as a former public school educator turned holistic health coach — as well as from my personal health journey — I’ve witnessed firsthand how food impacts every aspect of our lives.

“The Better Brain Blueprint” illustrates that better brain health is possible.
And the best solution for dementia is to take intentional steps to prevent it before it happens. Through lifestyle choices, you have the power to begin protecting your brain now!

If you’ve been following Lifestyle 120 over the years, you know that wellness and longevity are my passions. As an inspired aging motivational speaker and holistic wellness coach, I show women how to tap into their spiritual power and create their best life in their golden years. My business name, Lifestyle 120, refers to living a dynamic life well past your 100th birthday. In order to prepare for the triple digits, you must begin to practice healthy living so you can enjoy a long and fulfilling life.

Consider This
One thing that I would like to stress is the importance of knowing your own nutritional needs. One woman’s elixir could be another woman’s poison. Due to my multiple food allergies, it’s imperative for me to avoid foods that do not support my health. Please consult your health care provider if you are concerned about allergies and sensitivities.

Four Steps to Nourish, Transform and Flourish
• Set a loving intention to develop habits that will help you achieve optimal brain function.
• Begin by focusing on nutrition, exercise, sleep and the other recommendations outlined in this post.
• How will supporting your brain help to keep you sharp and also support other organs in your body?
• Close your eyes and visualize how this lifestyle change can prepare you for your amazing second half.  

Need help devising a lifestyle plan that’s right for you?

It can be challenging to maintain momentum on your own. My Sprout Your New Life™ course will give you the tools and the strong spiritual foundation to make lasting change in your life.  Click here for more.

In love, peace and health--
Your feminine glow guide,

T. Kari Mitchell, M.Ed.
Motivational Speaker
Certified Holistic Health Coach

When your spirit is nourished, your inner light produces an outer glow reflecting your beauty and truth.

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