Older couple preparing salad

Part 10: Lift Your Spirit — Color Your Plate! Support Healthy Aging With White And Tan Powerhouses

Is there a way to harness the energy of nature, draw it into our daily lives, and become one with it as we age?


Make every cell in your body glow with the divine energy offered by fresh fruits and vegetables.

Produce is chock-full of essential nutrients and comes in a plethora of colors to support your health goals.

Aim for the accepted general consumption range of at least five one-cup servings — that’s at least two servings of fruits and at least three servings of vegetables. To reduce your sugar consumption, try to go for more veggies.

As part of our Purposeful Nutrition Series, today let’s focus on the white and tan powerhouses.

Fruits:  coconut, banana, Bosc pear

Vegetables:  cauliflower, white onion, potato, parsnip, turnip, daikon, jicama, garlic, ginger, mushroom

White and tan fruits and vegetables may not be vibrant in color, but they are bursting with phytonutrients and culinary possibilities. They also support the immune system, boasting anti-bacterial, anti-fungal and anti-viral properties. White and tan fruits and vegetables are tinted by anthoxanthin, a flavonoid pigment in light-colored plants.

Top benefits of white and tan fruits and vegetables:
• Reduce risks of stroke
• Lower risks of cancer
• Contain a wide range of health-promoting phytochemicals
• Contain essential vitamins and minerals like vitamin C, vitamin B, magnesium and potassium

Did you know...
-- Ginger is often called ginger root, but it’s actually a rhizome. (According to Wikipedia, a rhizome is a modified subterranean plant stem that sends out roots and shoots from its nodes.) Although ginger is treated as an herb or spice in the culinary world, it’s included in our lineup, since it’s a vegetable stem.  And the next time you want to add a little zing to your recipe, ginger will be a great choice.

-- Mushrooms are classified as fungi, but because they are edible, they are on the vegetable list for culinary and nutrition purposes. Also, you will be surprised how meat can easily be swapped out for mushrooms in some recipes.

-- Although bananas are really popular in smoothies, they can also be used to naturally sweeten your muffins and cakes.

-- Diced cauliflower is a healthy substitute for white rice. You can also add diced cauliflower to your pizza crust recipes. I puree cauliflower and use it for a thickener in my chowders and as the main ingredient in my vegan fettuccine Alfredo sauce.

-- Unless your health care provided has told you to avoid potatoes, don’t be afraid to enjoy them. Potatoes have received a bad reputation, perhaps because of their high carb content and maybe because the way they are prepared can render them unhealthy — deep-fried or loaded with butter and cheese. But potatoes offer plenty of fiber, vitamins and antioxidants. Periodically, I like to add a small chopped potato to my medley of steamed Brussels sprouts, carrots and turnips.

Feature Focus:  Jicama and Parsnip
Increase your potassium intake naturally and add crunch to your munch with jicama and parsnip.  This quick and cinchy salad will impress your dinner guests.

Click here for a flavorful delight.

If eating a banana makes you yawn, liven up your snack break by blending a piece of banana with other faves.

Click here for a healthy and refreshing smoothie.

A conscious meal plan should include a variety of fresh fruits and vegetables. And even though white and tan foods may not be as exciting as your colorful variety, they have lots of wonderful things going for them.

How can you add more health-promoting phytochemicals to your meals?

When planning your meals and before you take that first bite, ask yourself these three questions:

• What’s the value or benefit?
• Do I like it?
• How will it make me feel?

Remember: Health is an action — we must practice mindful living in order to reach mastery.

Many people mindlessly reach for quick and convenient food because they’re hungry or because it temporarily satisfies a craving. While hunger and flavors influence our munching behavior, consider shifting your mindset so you’re eating to support your higher purpose in life.

I’d like to encourage you to establish a deeper spiritual connection with your food. Nature offers a huge selection of delicious white- and tan-tinted goodness for you to delight in. Know the nutritional value of nature’s fresh bounty. And notice how you feel after enjoying your favorites. Eat well — age beautifully! Love yourself enough to supply your body with the nutrients it needs to thrive.

Consider This
What are your favorite white and tan fruits and vegetables? Create a dazzling dish featuring a few selections from our list. And when your friends ask you the secret to your radiant glow, you can tell them about your lifestyle change.

Four Steps to Nourish, Transform and Flourish
• Set a loving intention to add fresh white and tan fruits and vegetables to your plate this week.
• Begin by selecting white and tan produce you like, and then start experimenting with them in different dishes.
• How will including more fruit and veggie choices to your menu improve the quality of your life?  
• Close your eyes and visualize how this lifestyle change can prepare you for your amazing second half.  

Need help with meal planning?

It can be challenging to maintain momentum on your own. My Sprout Your New Life™ course will give you the tools and the strong spiritual foundation to make lasting change in your life.  Click here for more.

In love, peace and health--
Your feminine glow guide,

T. Kari Mitchell, M.Ed.
Motivational Speaker
Certified Holistic Health Coach

When your spirit is nourished, your inner light produces an outer glow reflecting your beauty and truth.

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