
Is The Fear Of Failure Holding You Back?

Today, I’d like to focus our attention on a serious issue that many boomer women deal with: Limited belief patterns—specifically, the fear of failure.  I’ve experienced it, and perhaps you have, too.

I think many women are unaware that they are perpetuating this self-afflicting condition and how it is preventing them from achieving the level of success they desire. Perhaps there’s some fear around what others might say if you mess up, so you’ve decided not to try.  Have you made statements like, “I’d like to organize a literacy campaign, but what if my efforts are unsuccessful”?  Or, “I had a great idea for starting a nonprofit on green living, but it didn’t work out, so I gave up.”  Sound familiar?

This type of fear can show up in a variety of different ways.  You may not recognize fear of failure because it’s deceitful.  It can be disguised as apathy and complacency or camouflaged as distorted reality.  In other words, fear of failure can trick you into discarding your dream or pretending not to care.  Its ultimate charge is to keep you stuck and unfulfilled.  Don’t be fooled!  

So what should you do?  First, understand that you’re going to slip, fall and fumble. Making mistakes is inevitable because you’re doing a new thing.  Have you forgotten how many trials it took to pedal your first bike independently?  Remember how long it took you to learn your times tables?  At the time, it seemed like forever, right?  But you did it!  Can you think of other examples of triumph?  We were born to persevere! Recapture that childlike spirit.  Your inner girl is still there.  Invite her out and rekindle your passion.

What has helped me to grow beyond the hopeless mindset of fear of failure is to change my view of defeat.  I experienced many obstacles, when I decided to launch Lifestyle 120 in 2015.  But I learned that failure is not really defeat or breakdown; it’s the trials leading to a breakthrough.  If we change our perspective, we get a different result. Thomas Edison once said, “Many of life’s failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up.”

You are powerful beyond measure.  Be an example for your boomer sisters.  Tell yourself that you can succeed at anything you set your heart on.  And most importantly, believe it!

Consider This  

Are you really afraid of failure, or are you afraid of discovering just how magnificent and talented you truly are?  One sure way to fail is to stop trying.  If you give up now, you’ll never know what you’re made of.  Discover how brilliant you are.  Don’t drop your dream!

Four Steps to Nourish, Transform and Flourish

• Set a loving intention to go after a project or dream you put on hold.

• Begin by establishing a can-do attitude.

• How will rising above your limited beliefs or fear of failure help you feel more powerful?

• Close your eyes and visualize how this lifestyle change can prepare you for your amazing second half.

Need help?

It can be challenging to maintain momentum on your own.  My Sprout Your New Life™ course will give you the tools and the strong spiritual foundation to make lasting change in your life.  Click here for more. 

In love, peace and health--

Your feminine glow guide,

T. Kari Mitchell, M.Ed.

Motivational Speaker

Certified Holistic Health Coach

When your spirit is nourished, your inner light produces an outer glow reflecting your beauty and truth.

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