A couple walking across a constructed walkway in the forest

Get Fit: The Benefits Of Walking In Nature

If you’re planning a total transformation this year, you must get serious about physical fitness. We all know the benefits of exercise, but many people resist committing to a regular routine because the typical workout session can become boring after a while.

Want an enjoyable and exhilarating way to build strength and endurance without being bound to a rigid exercise regimen? Slip into something comfortable, lace up your sneakers, and let’s go for a nature walk.

Studies have shown that if you walk at a brisk pace, you can get an excellent cardio workout.  

I can’t last more than a few minutes on gym machines, but I can pump miles on an outdoor path. No sweat! The time passes quickly because the beauty that awaits me arouses my senses and engages my creativity. Walking in nature is my spiritual supplement. I know that I’m getting a great workout, but the experience is so delightfully refreshing that it doesn’t seem like “work” at all.

There are certain weight-bearing exercises that I need to do regularly in order to build bone density. And I do like to mix up my fitness routine with yoga, Pilates, machines and sports. But nothing compares to my al fresco walking adventures. I love being outdoors communing with nature, whenever the weather permits.  

I savor my three-mile power treks, but I suggest you go at your own pace. Adjust your speed, timing and distance to your ability level. A 20-minute stroll in the great outdoors can work wonders for your body, mind and spirit. American poet Wallace Stevens said, “Perhaps the truth depends on a walk around the lake.”

Each season offers a fresh, new landscape to interact with. Join a chorus of robins on your summer hikes. Delight in the vibrant display of colors during your spring and fall expeditions. Marvel at the peaceful silence, as you venture out on the first snow of winter. Inhale the bouquet of natural aromas year-round. Rejuvenating breaks like these don’t exist anywhere else.

Have you gotten your vaccine? Find a walking partner or join a walking group. Include walking in your personal reinvention plan. Take a hike and reap the multiple layers of benefits that walking in nature provides.

Consider This  
When you’re feeling out of sorts, scheduling intermissions in nature can provide renewed energy and fresh perspectives. A brief walking break can help to ease the burden of a challenging day. Complimentary, natural therapy is available under the trees, so leave your cares behind and find peace of mind — outdoors.

Four Steps to Nourish, Transform and Flourish
• Set a loving intention to take a walk in nature this week.
• Begin with at least 20 minutes and observe the difference in your overall health, attitude, energy level, and productivity.  
• How will taking a brisk walk support your body, mind and spirit?
• Close your eyes and visualize how this lifestyle change can prepare you for your amazing second half.

Need help creating a fitness plan that works for you?

It can be challenging to maintain momentum on your own. My Sprout Your New Life™ course will give you the tools and the strong spiritual foundation to make lasting change in your life. Click here for more.

In love, peace and health--
Your feminine glow guide,

T. Kari Mitchell, M.Ed.
Motivational Speaker
Certified Holistic Health Coach

When your spirit is nourished, your inner light produces an outer glow reflecting your beauty and truth.

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