Three older women in a swimming pool

Ban Boredom From Your Fitness Routine: Add The Fun Factor

Raise your hand if you look forward to your exercise routine.  Many women dread the treadmill and other boring drills because they tend to kill the thrill.  Anything monotonous can cause you to click “end session” after the first few minutes.  

Are you forgetting that you have power over your exercise hour?  If you are really serious about repositioning yourself for greatness this year, you have to make a commitment to an exercise program that works for you!  And that means you must add the fun factor.  

Whether you run, lift tons or dance in the sun, your move-more routines must be enjoyable in order to remain sustainable.

Do you need a reminder why regular fitness is essential to your health? The list of benefits is super long, so let’s highlight five of the many reasons exercise is important to your well-being.

• Tones your muscles and strengthens your bones
• Increases your energy level
• Improves your circulation and brain health
• Reduces your risks of chronic diseases
• Elevates your mood and disposition

If you want to be motivated, your plan must resemble play instead of work. In order to enjoy your fitness program, you must build fun and purpose into your workout.  

Personally, I like variety — speed walking in nature, Pilates, yoga, dancing, TRX Suspension, and weights.  Weights are not my favorite, but machines and dumbbells help to improve my bone density.  

Your beneficial training routine does not have to be grueling.  Focus on what would make you want to get up and go.  What sports do you like? Chose one for a particular day of the week and schedule other activities for the other days.  Of course, we all have to select what’s available during these unpredictable times, but still focus on what you like.  Bowling? Swimming? Zumba? Tennis? Cycling?  

You’re more likely to maintain a fitness program if it’s enjoyable.  Try to fit in one hour of exercise at least five days a week.  Transforming your life — and your body — takes time and dedication but will be worth the effort!  

Consider This  
Did you know that one hour of continuous housework or yardwork counts for exercise?  Dusting and mopping.  Vacuuming and scrubbing.  Mowing the yard.  Raking the leaves.  Shoveling the snow.  All can get your heart rate up and strengthen your muscles.  Download some jammin’ pieces, and you’ve just added the fun factor.

Four Action Steps to Nourish, Transform and Flourish
• Set a loving intention to commit to a regular exercise program.
• Begin by choosing various activities that are fun and energizing.  
• How will designing your own sustainable fitness routine help you reap multiple health benefits?
• Close your eyes and visualize how this lifestyle change can prepare you for your amazing second half.  

Need help planning your fitness routine?
It can be challenging to maintain momentum on your own.  My Sprout Your New Life™ course will give you the tools and the strong spiritual foundation to make lasting change in your life.  Click here for more.

In love, peace and health--
Your feminine glow guide,

T. Kari Mitchell, M.Ed.
Motivational Speaker
Certified Holistic Health Coach

When your spirit is nourished, your inner light produces an outer glow reflecting your beauty and truth.

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