
Your Brain Is Your Main Domain — Intentional Support Is Required For Longevity

What are you doing to maintain your brain’s health? One of the things many older adults fear is losing their mental faculties. Did you know that you have the ability to significantly lower your risk for dementia by the daily choices you make? Earlier this year, I watched the 12-episode, world premier groundbreaking documentary series focused on protecting, healing and keeping the brain sharp: “Better Brain Blueprint — The Science Of Mental And Cognitive Wellness.” Better brain health is possible. Highlighted in this edition, are key takeaways that may inspire you to “improve your brain, improve your life.” Begin prepping your basic defensive plan now...

Inexpensive Ways To Spruce Up Your Home With Unique Art

Have you been looking for ways to revitalize your home without breaking the bank? One fun way to make your living space come alive is to display a fabulous art collection. But first, refresh every room. Then sit back in your easy chair, take a deep, cleansing breath and imagine what it will take to wake up your space. See six tips on where to begin your search for exquisite objets d’art...

Part 11: Lift Your Spirit — Support Healthy Aging With Mushrooms

What are you doing to support your body’s natural defenses? Did you know that eating a variety of mushrooms can support immunity? Incorporating mushrooms into your nutrition plan is an easy way to bump up abundant benefits. And there are many scrumptious recipe ideas for you to enjoy! Learn the various names of mushrooms, their top benefits and how to prepare them here.

Slip And Stumble, But Keep Moving Forward

Do you need some encouragement today? If you’ve been diligently working on accomplishing personal goals, but have not yet seen tangible results, don’t give up! Perhaps you've tripped, stumbled and lost your footing. When traversing an unpaved path — the road less traveled — you must take calculated steps that lead to your mark. Keep your head high and stay positive. You learn so much about yourself when maneuvering challenges. If you give up now, you’ll never know what you’re made of. Be inspired to set your sights on success...

Silent Walking — Transient Trend Or Age-Old Practice?

Are you familiar with a “new” fitness trend called silent walking? Apparently it has gone viral on social media. This is a practice I definitely promote, but is it a new trend? Experts say that briskly walking just 20-30 minute a day has multiple health benefits, and the labor is lessened and the loveliness is amplified when you're tuned in to the sounds around you. What are the benefits of walking unplugged? Want to experience the multilayered benefits of walking unencumbered? Don't diminish your multisensory experience. More here...

Part 10: Lift Your Spirit — Color Your Plate! Support Healthy Aging With White And Tan Powerhouses

How do you harness the energy of nature, draw it into your daily life, and become one with it as you age? By making every cell in your body glow with the divine energy offered by fresh fruits and vegetables. As part of our Purposeful Nutrition Series, let’s focus on the white and tan powerhouses. White and tan fruits and vegetables may not be vibrant in color, but they are bursting with phytonutrients and culinary possibilities. Learn about the health benefits, discover the healing properties of one rhizome, and get recipes here...

Make Lemonade: Turn A Bitter Experience Into A Sweet Advantage

Do you sometimes find yourself thinking about past mistakes more often than you should? These thoughts may be preventing you from receiving your daily good. Your health and well-being require positive, life-affirming thoughts. But easier said than done, right? How do you silence the negative mind chatter concerning past mistakes? Just by being out there participating in new adventures makes us prone to bloopers. You may not always be able to repair what’s broken, but you can creatively apply that experience to future practices. Reframe your unpleasant situation into a positive outcome. Discover tips on turning bitter into sweet..

Get Grounded — A Rejuvenating Way To Relax And Relieve Stress

If you ever get so exhausted that you want to drop to the floor, it might do you good to linger there. Your contact with the floor can be restorative. While lying there grounded on your back, discover something amazing. Feel your spine relax and adjust vertebra by vertebra — from the cervical region all the way down to your coccyx. Sink deeper and deeper into a meditative state until your stress melts away. Fitness and relaxation are interconnected. What does research show about lying on the floor for extended periods of time? More here....

Part 8: Lift Your Spirit — Support Healthy Aging By Adding Herbs & Spices To Your Plate — Try Cardamom

Our ongoing Purposeful Nutrition Series discusses ways to harness the energy of nature, draw it into our daily lives, and become one with it as we age. Eating a rainbow of colors will support your health goals. You may remember a recent post on turmeric. Today, let’s continue to highlight the herb and spice powerhouses. Herbs and spices boast impressive pigment power due to their amazing phytonutrients called flavonoids. The gorgeous kaleidoscope of colors can turn your cooking and dining experience into an enjoyable multi-sensory event. Our feature focus is cardamom. Discover the health benefits here and grab your yummy recipe...

Embrace Your Beautiful Scars — Inspiration For Turning Tragedy Into Triumph

Today, I’d like to share a story that I heard on public radio last year and read about in AARP The Magazine. If you need a little pick-me-up, this post may lift your heart and motivate you to move forward with your life goals. I’m shining the light on an amazing talent who was one of the most sought-after soul and gospel backing singers in the industry. But it’s not her singing that I want to underscore; it’s her grit and determination. Learn about what happened after Merry's tragic accident and her compelling message to the world in her 2021 album.

Can Lifestyle Choices Help You Live Younger?

Does lifestyle impact longevity? Does genetics play a big role in whether you will live a long, healthy life? Did you know that about 40% of premature deaths (occurring before age 75) are related to lifestyle choices? I have been intrigued by the science of epigenetics. A National Geographic article by Michael F. Roizen, M. D. emphasizes that if we make healthy lifestyle choices, we can self-engineer genetic changes to prevent disease and boost longevity. Have you recently lost your way? It’s not too late to establish a wellness protocol that promotes longevity. Find out how to begin building a strong foundation now.

Make A Bold Declaration To Face Your Fears And Hold “Sheroically” To Your Dreams

What’s preventing you from manifesting your dreams? Could fear be holding you back? Did you know that fear and confidence are opposite ends of the same continuum? The key is to not separate your dream from your life — they are one. When you snuggle up real close to your intention, fear has a way of becoming less of a distraction. Stand in your power and keep your dream alive. Let’s highlight a few important matters that may restore your confidence and embolden you to continue up your chosen path...

Balance Your Veggie Burger With Wholesome Nutrition

Eating from nature’s bounty is a mindful intention that will not only nourish your body with vital nutrients, but also help you establish a deeper spiritual connection with your food. I invite you to visit the recipe section of our website,, for a wide variety of simple and delectable plant-based selections that will tickle your taste buds. Do you like veggie burgers? I’ve been on a mission to create a wholesome veggie patty that is delectable and nutritionally balanced. I finally got it right! Get a sandwich that’s worth sinking your teeth into here...

Illuminate Your Living Space: Spruce Up Your Home With Natural & Décor Lighting

Help yourself see more clearly. Besides your food choices, there’s another way to harness the energy of nature and draw it into your daily life: Embrace the healing power of light. Does your home provide enough light to inspire the creative process? Learn ways to bring light and warmth to your home so you can improve your interior and exterior glow! Enliven your home with natural and décor lighting. More here...

How Can A Spiritual Community Help You Grow Exponentially?

Do you recall my post from a few months ago called “Look To Your Spiritual Community For Personal Growth, Meaningful Relationships and Service Opportunities”? In that post, I highlighted a personal story about my spiritual journey and discussed the importance of merging your spiritual practices with everyday experiences, in order to age beautifully and live your best life. Today, I’d like to share an update and encourage you consider the advantages of becoming actively involved in a spiritual community that speaks to your heart.

Part 9: Lift Your Spirit — Support Healthy Aging By Adding More Whole Grains To Your Plate — Try Oats

In our ongoing Purposeful Nutrition Series, we’ve been providing tips on how to harness the energy of nature, draw it into our daily lives, and become one with it as we age. One of the best ways to do this is by eating more plant-based foods. Make every cell in your body glow with the divine energy offered by fresh fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. Are you remembering to include enough whole grains in your diet? Find out more about the benefits of whole grains. Our feature focus is oats. Grab your recipe here...

Operations You Need For A No-Cost Face and Neck Lift

For a move-more plan to work, it must be sustainable, and sustainable plans usually rely on enjoyment and value. Today, I want to share a type of exercise that may help to improve your outward expression and appearance. No need to grab your dumbbells or slip into your walking shoes right now. In fact, all I want you to do is get a mirror and relax in a comfortable chair. Let's have fun activating our facial and neck muscles. These are important muscles that don’t receive a lot of attention. Prevention is key. The sooner you start, the better...

Pay Attention During Your Time Of Need: Your Blessings May Come From Unexpected Sources

The spiritual practice of expressing gratitude can be life-affirming. Today, I’d like to challenge you to become more aware of the seemingly small things in your life and encourage you to begin appreciating them as divine blessings. I have discovered that when I live my life as a prayer, more blessings seem to miraculously grace my space. What is the connection between giving and receiving? My personal story may inspire you to view challenging life experiences as a season of growth and expansion...

Part 7: Lift Your Spirit — Color Your Plate! Support Healthy Aging With Blue And Purple Powerhouses

Are you getting enough blue and purple in your diet? The beautiful rich colors of your blue and purple fruits and veggies indicate that they’re bursting with flavonoids, which provide cell-protecting properties. Today, as part of our ongoing Purposeful Nutrition Series, let’s focus on the healing energy of the blue and purple powerhouses. What are the benefits of blue and purple fruits and vegetables, and how can you begin making them part of your spiritual practice? More here...

Grant Me The Courage And Wisdom To Change What I Can

Do you sometimes struggle to make sense of the events that are happening around you and in the world? Do you become agitated when the best-laid plans go astray? Perhaps we all can benefit from reviewing the first part of “The Serenity Prayer.” As you reflect on your daily experiences, think about how you might apply these commandments to your life. Knowledge and experience precede wisdom. Discover what we must do in order to acquire “the wisdom to know the difference” here...

Look To Your Spiritual Community For Personal Growth, Meaningful Relationships And Service Opportunities

What images come to mind when you hear the term “spiritual community?” Today, spiritual communities are being formed as part of yoga retreats, walking clubs and philanthropic organizations. Spirituality not only helps you recognize that your role in life has a bigger purpose than your day-to-day activities, but also helps you live a balanced life. And spiritual communities offer an opportunity for you to bond with like-minded people and grow exponentially. Learn about a personal experience through Centers for Spiritual Living that may inspire you to find a center that speaks to your heart...

Lifestyle And Lifelong Learning Support Brain Health As You Age

Cognitive decline is NOT inevitable! We know that following a healthy lifestyle will support cognition as you age. However, today I want to dive a little deeper and offer some suggestions to remind you that there are conscious decisions you can make to help your brain remain agile during your golden years. Find out about “Focus on Brain Health,” an AARP article and the Staying Sharp Program here. Also, learn nine ways to regularly challenge your brain. There’s a lot you can do right now to improve brainpower...

Summon Your Courage: What Would Your Life Be Like If You Knew You Could Not Fail?

How different would your life be if you knew you could not fail? What would you initiate? Would your view of life change? Many have removed themselves from the creative process, because of the date on their birth certificate. You were not created to live a diminished life. This is the best time to put power to your purpose and passion. You have a lot of years left, and you deserve to live them to the fullest! Resuscitate that dream that’s been archived in your heart. Be inspired by the lyrics to Jana Stanfield's song...

Create a Brilliant Environment: Call On Nature To Inspire Your Color Scheme

What can you do to lift your spirit when you're feeling a little blah? Today, I want to suggest a lifestyle solution: Add color to your personal space. What colors inspire you? I enjoy different colors for various reasons and seasons. Teal, orange, and garnet are three of my favorite choices for interior design. Choices in color are highly personal, and possess the potential to elevate your mood and lift your spirit. If you haven’t considered how color can positively impact your life, I invite you to participate in an organic exploration. Learn how nature can help you create a brilliant color palette to spruce up your home environment...

Part 6: Lift Your Spirit — Support Healthy Aging By Adding Herbs & Spices To Your Plate — Try Turmeric

Our ongoing Purposeful Nutrition Series discusses ways to harness the energy of nature, draw it into our daily lives, and become one with it as we age. You can make every cell in your body glow through the divine energy offered by fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains, legumes, and herbs and spices. Eating a rainbow of colors will support your health goals. Today, let’s focus on the benefits of the herb and spice powerhouses, and indulge in our feature focus: Turmeric...

Stay On Your Toes: For Best Results Switch Up Your Weekly Fitness Routine

You've heard me talk about all the reasons why moving more helps improve the quality of life and strengthens the mind, body and spirit connection. Your commitment to honoring a regular exercise program is a conscious decision, expressing love and compassion for yourself as you continue your life journey. Now, I’m aware that exercise routines can become stale over time, so it’s important to periodically mix things up a bit. Interjecting fun and variety into your weekly scheme challenges your muscles to perform at their best so you can continue to see results. Here's a new morning get-up video that will revive your routine...

Up Your Energy To The Second Power — You Have A Say In Your Future

Have you been wondering if you have any real say in what happens in your life? Today, let's shine the light on E2, the #1 New York Times bestseller by Pam Grout. E2 is a fun and engaging manual that guides you through nine energy experiments, demonstrating how your thoughts create your reality. After reading this uplifting book, you may be convinced that what you believe is “reality” is malleable and that your consciousness transcends matter. Learn about “The Field of Potentiality" and more here...

Part 5: Lift Your Spirit — Support Healthy Aging By Adding More Legumes To Your Plate — Try Chickpeas

In our ongoing Purposeful Nutrition Series, we’ve been providing tips on how to harness the energy of nature, draw it into our daily lives, and become one with it as we age. One of the best ways to do this is by eating more plant-based foods. Are you getting enough legumes in your diet? Today, let’s focus on the legume powerhouses. Check out the top benefits, portion recommendations, and enjoy a featured recipe here...

Walk This Way: Add An Extra Dimension to Your Daily Walk For Full-Body Benefits

Regular exercise demonstrates your love for yourself and supports the body-mind-spirit connection. The key is to commit to activities that you like. If you enjoy your fitness routine, you are more likely to continue with it. Walking provides an opportunity to release your cares and tune in to your spiritual energy. However, walking can become mundane. So if you crave variety, transform your stroll into a wizard workout! Discover the multiple benefits of powering up your walk in five steps here...

Good Morning! Start Your Day With A Motivational Song

Imagine it’s early morning and you’ve just woken up. After expressing gratitude for the gift of another day, you mentally review today’s agenda. But you can’t seem to get moving. What you need is a motivational tool to help plant your feet on the floor. I’d like to suggest a song that will make you cast aside your spread and spring you out of bed. “Mornin’ ” by Grammy-winning vocalist Al Jarreau, is sure to get you pumped and primed for this remarkable day. Get lyrics here...

Write Your Own Life Script Showcasing Your Unique Talents

You are one of a kind! Notice how two roses may appear to glow in a lovely shade of pink, but if you look closely, the color is slightly different, and the petals are unique in shape and form. Like a rose, you, too, have distinct characteristics — the unique complexities that make you, you. As you traverse this stage of your life, I’d like to encourage you to take time to consider your exceptional qualities and gifts. What will you create in your second half? What will be your legacy? More inspiration here...

Part 4: Lift Your Spirit — Color Your Plate! Support Healthy Aging With Red Powerhouses

This year we have been exploring ways to harness the energy of nature, draw it into our daily lives, and become one with it as we age. Here’s one simple solution: Make every cell in your body glow with the divine energy offered by fresh fruits and vegetables. Today, as part of our ongoing Purposeful Nutrition Series, let’s focus on the healing energy of the red powerhouses. Are you getting enough red in your diet? Learn the top benefits of red fruits and vegetables, and begin incorporating them into your meal plan...

Add Beauty And Flavor To Your Life — Grow An Indoor Tower Of Edible Greens

Research indicates that decorating your space with plants can elevate your mood, inspire creativity, freshen the air, add moisture to your space, and reduce stress. Let’s plant more benefits. How can you continue to refresh your home, boost your mood, and improve your nutrition all at the same time? By constructing a low-maintenance, indoor edible Tower Garden. Reap additional health benefits of plants by growing your own food, and enjoy the spiritual energy associated with the process...

Exercise Your Private Muscles — Are Kegels Right For You?

When you exercise, you expect to “see” some action and results, right? Well, there’s a fitness tool that I would like to talk about today that you can’t actually see, but you can definitely feel. They’re called Kegel exercises, named after Dr. Arnold Henry Kegel, an American gynecologist. If you’re not familiar with this term, Kegels are routines that focus on strengthening the pelvic floor muscles, which includes the female muscles. Has your gynecologist spoken to you about this? Learn a simple procedure here...

Boost Your Bedding: A Conscious Commitment To Sleeping In Comfort

We need our rest to be our best. What are you doing to enhance the quality of your sleep? Today, I’d like to focus on a cozy bedtime matter: Your bedding. Many people don’t think much about how bedding contributes to sleep quality, but it’s crucial. The following four suggestions may help lull you into a deep sleep. The mattress. The sheets. The aesthetics. The pillow. Find out what the research says about sleep and mood, and learn how to elevate your sleep to a whole new level...

Get Your Nature Walk On At Home — An Alternative Fitness Tool For Inclement Weather

Creating a sustainable exercise program supports your overall wellness goals and affirms an expression of love for yourself. If you’ve been reading my blog posts over the last few years, you know that power walking in nature is my spiritual supplement and ranks at the top of my favorite fitness tools. But what do you do when the weather prevents you from venturing outdoors? You take your walking tour indoors! Learn how to get a great full-body workout with your choice of natural settings, in the comforts of your home...

How Can Tipping For Weekly Chores Add Up To A Sizeable Saving Strategy?

Have you tried a variety of saving strategies — and are now at a tipping point? Today, let’s explore a creative way for you to “earn” an extra $100 a week. Think about how your savings, chores, and purpose can feed your personal power and make you feel great. When you tip yourself well, you’re demonstrating compassion, discipline, patience, courage and positivity. Did you notice a mental shift? And what will you do with the money you save? Get your personal tipping strategy here...

Part Three: Lift Your Spirit — Support Healthy Aging By Adding More Whole Grains To Your Plate — Try Quinoa

Make every cell in your body glow with the divine energy offered by fresh fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. Are you getting enough whole grains in your diet? Today, as part of our ongoing Purposeful Nutrition Series, let’s focus on the healing energy of whole grains, especially quinoa. Whole grains are key to a healthy diet. Learn what types of grains to select, the top benefits of whole grains, and the recommended daily servings...

Intentional Yawning — Your Unique Measure Of Refreshment

What relaxation tools are you regularly practicing? Today, I’d like to introduce you to a practice that may surprise you. Have you ever yawned intentionally? An easy way to enter that relaxed state of "being" is through mindful yawns -- another tool to destress or a quick hack to refocus. Discover the science behind yawning and begin to blend it with your other relaxations sessions. You may discover that you’re actually able to slow down those areas of the brain that cause worry and uncertainty...

Part Two: Lift Your Spirit — Color Your Plate! Support Healthy Aging With Green Powerhouses

You can make every cell in your body glow through the divine energy offered by fresh fruits and vegetables. Today, as part of our ongoing Purposeful Nutrition Series, let’s focus on the healing energy of the green powerhouses. Establish a deeper spiritual connection with your food. Learn about the top benefits of green fruits and vegetables. Nature offers a huge selection of delicious green goodness for you to enjoy. Learn more here...

Part Two: What’s Required To Live Past 100?

Last week we discussed some powerful ideas from Ilchi Lee’s book, "I Decided to Live 120 Years: The Ancient Secret to Longevity, Vitality, and Life Transformation," and our main focus was responsibility. Today, let's focus on taking action. Lee's tenets are aligned with Lifestyle 120's vision of longevity. I hope these words of wisdom continue to inspire you to reconsider your beliefs on wellness and what’s possible for you as you travel your second half. Learn more about creating a lifestyle that brings balance to body, mind and spirit...

Part One: What’s Required To Live Past 100?

The main tenet that supports the vision for Lifestyle 120 is longevity. Today, I’d like to share some powerful ideas from Ilchi Lee’s book, "I Decided to Live 120 Years: The Ancient Secret to Longevity, Vitality, and Life Transformation" because our precepts are aligned. This post will focus on responsibility. Part Two, which will be published next week, will highlight the importance of taking action. I hope these words of wisdom inspire you to rethink your beliefs on wellness and what’s possible for you as you travel your path. Learn more here...

Love. Spirituality. Compassion. Inner Wisdom. Trust Your Smart Heart!

How many times have you heard the following statements? Follow your heart. Listen to your heart. Trust your heart. Down through the ages, the heart has been associated with love, spirituality, compassion and inner wisdom. But how do you go about trusting your heart? Research indicates that your heart is intelligent! Did you know that your heart has 40,000 neurons and can sense, feel, learn and remember. Learn what the HeartMath experts say happens when the brain and heart are on the same wavelength. And find out how to synchronize the communication between the heart, brain and rest of the body so you can achieve a balanced state...

Part One: Lift Your Spirit — Color Your Plate! Support Healthy Aging With Orange Powerhouses

How can we harness the energy of nature, draw it into our daily lives, and become one with it as we age? ‍Make every cell in your body glow with the divine energy offered by fresh fruits and vegetables. Today, as part of our ongoing Purposeful Nutrition Series, let’s focus on the healing energy of the orange powerhouses. Establish a deeper spiritual connection with your food. Nature offers a huge selection of delicious orange-colored goodness for you to delight in. Learn more here...

Ongoing Spiritual Practices Support Healthy Aging

To me, health and wellness are ongoing spiritual practices-- the way we positively prepare ourselves to interact in the world. This year, I’m highlighting the importance of merging your spiritual practices with everything you do, in order to age beautifully and live your best life. What are the seven lifestyle components that support a balanced life? And how do the Spiritual LIFE Principles™ help to facilitate the process? Learn more about Lifestyle 120's new vision and how future programming can help you remain proactive in your golden years...

Go Fund Your Purpose: An Investment Strategy For Building Your Dream

Imagine you were gifted $1200 to invest in your life’s purpose. How would you spend it? Pack your bags and attend that spiritual retreat in the mountains. Enroll in an advanced degree program. So many choices! All you need is patience, discipline and a small deposit at the beginning of the week. Find out where the money is going to come from and how patience and discipline register. ‍Let’s do the math. You're going to feel so prosperous! Here’s how to make arrangements to collect your $1200...

Today Is The First Day Of Your New Life. Now Choose What Day Two Will Look Like

Do you feel you’ve made progress with your personal goals? Has anything gotten in the way? Perhaps you feel that your identity has been so wrapped up in family responsibilities and others’ expectations that you’re not sure how to shine your own light? Well, today I’d like to provide a little encouragement and inspiration. Make today the first day of your new life, and then choose what Day Two will look like. Repeat this affirmation, reflect on your choices and follow these suggestions...

Toothy Tips For Dental Hygiene

Raise your hand if you regularly brush and floss your teeth. Not only does this practice help to prevent bad breath and keep our teeth and gums healthy as we age, it also helps us maintain a positive self-image. Practicing good oral hygiene impacts your overall well-being. Did you know that there are two more things you can do to protect your teeth other than brushing and flossing? One has to do with sugar and the other has to do with fruits and vegetables. Find out more here...

A Nontraditional Book Club Can Support Your Goals And Keep You Socially Connected

Do you sometimes feel alone and need a positive, periodic diversion? One way to fight isolation and stay connected with others during your time of reinvention is through reading. How will reading help solve the issue of feeling alone? A book club is a great way to meet people and engage in interesting conversations. Inviting others to engage with your book doesn’t necessarily have to be through a traditional book club experience, though. Have fun with this! Learn more here...

Be Ready For Advancement: Three Ways To Improve Your Physical Appearance That Don’t Focus On Food and Fitness

Have you been searching for simple ways to improve your physical appearance that do not focus on food and fitness? I want to encourage you to practice looking your best and being your best so you can be ready to accept the unexpected opportunities that are coming your way. You can achieve all of this through posture, attitude, and attire. Experience success and wellness on a whole different level. Discover more here...

4-7-8 Breathing: A Simple Tool For Relaxation

Making personal shifts can sometimes be taxing. One way to help with these shifts is simply breathing more efficiently. Today, I’d like to share an amazing breathwork tool called 4-7-8 breathing or relaxing breathing. Conscious breathing is a terrific way to practice the mind, body, and spirit connection. This mindful practice may be just what you need to refresh yourself as you move forward with this year’s goals. Find out how 4-7-8 breathing works here…

A Look Inside Ayurvedic Nutrition And How It May Support Your Wellness Goals

Are you familiar with Ayurvedic principles? These 5,000-year-old principles may help us remain healthy and balanced as we transition through the seasons. Ayurveda shows us how to pay attention to the produce that’s plentiful throughout the year and to eat what’s in season. This may serve as another wellness tool for you to consider. What's your dosha? Prepare yourself for optimal health. Spice up the seasons with ancient principles here...

Mindful Munching: Tips On Preparing Well-Balanced Snacks

With many people staying home these days, unplanned munching can become an all-day event. But when you get hungry between meals, what can you eat without sabotaging your wellness goals? I have some scrumptious suggestions. When it comes to snacking, planning and preparation are the keys to honoring your nutrition plan. Balanced snacks are the secret to satiety. Discover what constitutes a balanced snack and four things to consider when preparing your wholesome refreshments...

Say NO To Critics: Restore Your Power And Joy By Following Your Heart

Are you immobilized because you think you may be criticized for following your chosen path? Restore your vanishing joy by following your heart. When someone tries to discourage you from pursuing something that’s vital to your existence, refuse to accept his or her assessment. Find out what happens when you accept someone’s smothering viewpoint. Learn how to punch through the resistance, and reclaim your personal power...

Plan Your Day Around Play

Have you ever thought about planning your day around your breaks? Scheduling what you really enjoy around your work and projects may help you experience success on a given day. You deserve your breaks — no matter what you have on your to-do list! Building breaks into your busy schedule is critical to your overall health and well-being. Be inspired to make an intentional shift in perspective here... 

Need A Little Encouragement? Activate Three Big Bones To Revive Your Dream

What is your vision for the rest of your life? Repositioning yourself for greatness can sometimes feel overwhelming. Could you use some encouragement today? Perhaps all you need to do is activate three special bones as you strive towards your dreams: Your wishbone, backbone and funny bone. Here’s how the three bones provide a structure of support so you can continue skipping along your path...

Haha! A Daily Chuckle Is The Best Prescription-Free Medicine

Did you know that humor is good for you? As you continue to make your positive pivots this year, don’t forget to laugh! Sometimes we get so busy with our daily routines that we forget to whoop. Just like anything else worthwhile in life, you have to seek humor. Laughter truly is the best medicine. A daily chuckle supplies heaping platters of health benefits. Discover the scientific reason why laughter is good for you, and get your guffaw gear here...

Pets Can Improve The Quality Of Life — But Is Pet Ownership Right For You?

Have you thought about including a pet in your family of supporters? Pets teach us so much about compassion, patience, understanding and responsibility. ‍And they captivate our hearts as they entertain us with their unique personalities. Pets can be good for the soul — for many people, they bring joy and comfort. They can also offer great companionship for older adults. Find out what research says about pet ownership and decide is it's right for you...

Fund Your Purpose: Save More When You Cook More

Do your reinvention goals include saving money? Think about how your savings, cooking, and purpose can feed your personal power. If you want to save on food, think about preparing your own meals most of the time and decide to dine out once a week. You’ll delight over the extra cash in your stash. And a gratifying extra benefit is you’ll be supporting a healthier lifestyle. Check out a sustainable plan here...

Optimize Your Optics — Tips for Refreshing Your Eyes

Movement will definitely help to keep you energized as you continue to make those transformational pivots this year, but did you know that your eyes should also be included in your fitness regimen? Whether you’re lifting weights, enjoying yoga asanas, or playing sports, the muscles in your eyes may not be getting the same attention as other muscles in your body. These four tips may help diminish the symptoms of eye problems and keep your eyes refreshed... 

Boost Your Brain Power — Learn A New Language

As you reposition yourself for greatness, what are you doing to boost your brainpower? An excellent way to stay smart while engaging with a diverse group of people — learn a new language. What would acquiring a new language be like for you? Research shows that learning a new language can improve thinking, memory and communication skills. Learn more here, and investigate programs to get started...

Music Can Inspire — Or Help You Retire

What tools are you using for motivation and relaxation? I’d like to encourage you to incorporate music into your daily life. Did you know that music boasts therapeutic benefits? What pieces will help you go deep, while elevating you to new levels? Find out how music has been prescribed here. And be inspired to queue up your favorite tunes that will uplift and soothe, or prepare you for a good night's rest...

How To Cut Calories — And Enjoy Your Favorite Foods

Repositioning yourself for greatness this year includes maintaining a healthy weight. Raise your hand if you’d like to reduce your calorie intake and honor your wellness goals without giving up all your favorite foods. Well, I have a hack that may be a game-changer for you. My solution is so basic, so easily sustainable that it may not seem like a hack at all. Get the details on how to practice portion control and favor healthier ingredients...

Feeling Blocked? Go From Constipated To Regular Naturally

Did you know that blockages in one area of your life can impact all areas of your life? Today, I’d like to touch on a topic that may cause some people to flush. Have you been wondering how to have better success with your elimination habits? If you’re constantly constipated, you’re probably cranky, uncomfortable, and unable to function at your best. Want to move your stool regularly with grace and ease? These five natural solutions may provide relief...

Taking Action Can Build Confidence — Don’t Be Afraid To Step Up And Demonstrate Your Talents

Last week, we talked about reaching out to experts in your area of interest for the purpose of exploring your passions. Your list is growing, and people seem interested in you. But how do you confidently jump into the ring and share your gifts? And how do you nurture professional relationships and position yourself for advancement? Discover how to strategize, cultivate a growth mindset and take action...

Go To The Source: Connecting With Experts In Your Field

As you continue to rededicate your life to excellence, how will you enlist support? If you’ve been thinking about exploring your passions but don’t know who to ask for help, I encourage you to step forward and begin reaching out to make connections with individuals who share your interests. There’s no cookie-cutter approach, but following these suggestions may help strategically position you to share your talents and expand your circle of allies...

Green Cleaning: A Safe Way To Refresh Your Home

What's in your cleaning products? You should be aware of what’s in your laundry detergent and household cleaning supplies because your products could contain harmful chemicals. And the harmful agents wind up in the air you’re breathing and on your skin, which can overwhelm your immune system. But don't be overwhelmed if you want to go green! Find out what harmful chemicals are lurking in your cleaning products, and discover natural alternatives and valuable resources for refreshing your home...

Thanksgiving 365: The Gift Of Gratitude

Wouldn’t it be great to practice giving thanks year-round? Have you been wondering how to more creatively express your gratitude, and at the same time, engage your friends and family to do the same? How can we send out our appreciation into the world and touch others? Develop a new habit! Check out these great tips so you can make thanksgiving a daily practice. Fun suggestions begin here...

Are Your Community Service Goals Aligned With Your Passions And Purpose?

What type of service activities are you involved in? Perhaps you’re volunteering or offering your time, talent and treasure in a variety of ways. I’d like to encourage you to think more critically about your service activities. Have your efforts been satisfying, fulfilling and valued? Or are you volunteering simply out of obligation? If you're looking to be more authentic, answer these questions, and reevaluate your service activities so they align with your passions and purpose...

Can Electronics Sabotage Your Sleep? Rest Your Head — Unplug Before Bed

Have you been tossing and turning at night? Perhaps it has something to do with your electronic devices. Did you know that staring into your digital screen at night can sabotage your sleep? There's a connection between melatonin and the blue light emanating from your device. You need your rest to be your best. Unplug, reset and surrender to sweet sleep. Find out more about how electronics affect sleep and what to do about it here...

Get Unleashed! Take A Dance Break And Increase Your Productivity

If you’ve been glued to your chair for the last few hours and are beginning to feel fatigued, you need a break that involves movement. Want to know how to produce more energy so you can finish whatever you started? Here's a fun solution: Quit your chair and get unleashed--take a dance break! A dance break will help you feel refreshed so you can have the energy to complete your tasks. Allow your favorite boogie boppin’ ditties to help you split up long sit-sessions. Dancing counts as exercise and boasts many health benefits similar to that of other cardio activities. Find out how to incorporate dance breaks into your daily schedule...

Water, Water Everywhere — And Lots Of Ways To Drink

Drinking more water is a transformational lifestyle change that is easy, manageable, and doesn’t take a whole lot of thought and preparation. I realize that the suggestion to drink more water is not new to you, but would you drink more if your water was more interesting? With a little creativity, you can turn the mundane into a satisfying experience, just by adding a few healthful ingredients. Create magical beverages with these wonder water ideas. You’ll never view your water glass the same way again...

Stop The Negative Self-Talk And Believe In Yourself

Have you ever told yourself, “I’m not smart enough, and I don’t have what it takes?” You are not that negative voice in your head. It’s your self-doubt trying to take control — demanding your attention and distracting you from realizing your goal. Remember who’s in control: YOU! Never lose sight of your potential. Don’t relinquish your power to negative self-talk. Change your thinking to thoughts of success. Be inspired by what do to reclaim your power...

Seek Natural Settings For Inspiration And Motivation

What do you do when you need to clear your head in order to continue along your path? Getting outside can inspire you to keep going. Communing with nature may offer inspiration, peace and tranquility. And natural settings provide the perfect place for meditation. Don’t worry or hurry — just be open to receiving what you need. Immerse yourself in a sea of inspiration anytime! Try these ideas…

How To Declutter Your Home And Embrace Your Space

Every season presents an opportunity to release the old and welcome the new. One place to begin is in your home. If you are feeling tight and constricted, decluttering your home can open you up to a world of fresh, new possibilities. Freeing up your space from mountains of clutter will allow you room to breathe, grow and expand. Find out where to begin and follow this strategy for success...

Benefits Of Forgiveness!

What are the health benefits of forgiveness? Sometimes we allow a mistake or harsh words to sever our ties with a trusted friend. Have you been holding on to past resentments toward someone you care about? If you are serious about transforming your life and building loving relationships this year, you must learn to forgive. Follow this prompt to help free yourself of the burden you've been carrying...

A Part-time Job In Retirement Can Inspire Your Full-time Passion

One way to repurpose your life this year is to seek a position in the area of your expertise. Wouldn’t it be great to get paid for what you enjoy? If you have been thinking about pursuing part-time employment, consider looking for a job that uses your skills, your talents, and most importantly, your passions. Check out an engaging process that may help you get focused and will take about a week…

Undress Your Stress: Benefits of Bathing Before Bed

Do you have a relaxation ritual for the end of a long day? I’d like to share a simple solution that can melt the tension from your entire body and have you floating peacefully for the rest of the evening: Take a long relaxing soak in your bathtub. Learn more about the therapeutic benefits of bathing and prepare for your delicious, relaxing soak this evening...

Stimulate Your Brain And Stay Sharp: Learn To Play A Musical Instrument

What activities are you involved in that will help you stay sharp? While crossword puzzles, reading and board games can be interesting, I’d like to challenge you to consider stretching yourself to a whole new level by studying music. If you’re looking for the ultimate way to stimulate your brain, learn to play a musical instrument. Find out what neuroscientists are saying about playing a musical instrument and why you may want to get started soon...

Get Fit: The Benefits Of Walking In Nature

Are you planning a total transformation this year? Then you must get serious about physical fitness! If you have resisted committing to a regular routine because the typical workout session tends to be boring, try an enjoyable and exhilarating way to build strength and endurance. Take your workout session outdoors. Discover the multiple benefits of walking in nature...

Should You Be Eating Organic Foods?

Nutrition plays a big role in your transformational journey. Wholesome foods supply us with the nutrients and energy we need to achieve our goals. What role do organic foods play in your conscious meal planning? Eating clean, whole foods is vital to our overall health and well-being. Organic foods are grown and processed differently from other foods. Learn why organic foods may be a better option for you and your family...

Fear Of Failure Is Deceitful. Don’t Be Fooled By Limiting Beliefs!

Is fear of failure holding you back and limiting your beliefs about what you can accomplish? Perhaps there’s some fear around what others might say if you mess up, so you’ve decided not to try. Fear's ultimate charge is to keep you stuck and unfulfilled. So what can you do? Know that you are powerful beyond measure. Find out the ways fear can show up and what to do about it...

Lifelong Learning Helps You Stay Sharp And Relevant

I’d like to invite you to reflect on the transformation goals you set for yourself at the beginning of this year. Do you need to tweak your intentions? In order to stay sharp, we must keep our mental faculties actively engaged. ‍One way to do this is to commit to lifelong learning. Discover the advantages of continuous learning and begin investigating classes that may help you identify your purpose...

Refresh Your Home: How To Thrive With The Hardiest Houseplants

How can you make your personal space more inviting and aesthetically appealing so you will be inspired to pursue your passions? Consider refreshing your home with natural beauty. Investing in a few houseplants is a cost-effective way to add beauty and tranquility to your home, and provide valuable health benefits while focusing on your life goals. Learn more about the benefits of houseplants and how they can help you thrive...

Plan Your Next Vacation And Broaden Your Circle Of Friends

Have you been itching to travel? Where do you want to go and what do you want to see? The pandemic has caused many of us to temporarily postpone our vacation plans, but when the time is right, will you be ready to go? While the destination is the main focus of an excursion, building meaningful relationships through inspired travel can be refreshing and uplifting. Did you know there are tours that cater to the “mature” traveler? Learn more here...

Tutoring Opens Up A New World Of Possibilities!

Have you ever used your genius to teach a skill to someone else? If you’ve never thought about tutoring, now would be a great time to consider your options. You can be great in this role because your life experiences and personal circumstances have prepared you with unique perspectives over the years. If you’re hearing this vote of confidence for the first time, please remain open–minded and follow this process...

Could Your Last Bite Be Keeping You Up At Night?

Have you been tossing and turning during the night? Sleep is essential for our overall quality of life. How can you stay laser-focused on your personal and professional goals when you’re too tired to think? If you get to bed at a reasonable hour but still have difficulty sleeping soundly through the night, your dinner may be the culprit. Let’s take a close look at the time and contents of your evening meal…

Ban Boredom From Your Fitness Routine: Add The Fun Factor

Do you realize that you have power over your exercise hour! If you are really serious about repositioning yourself for greatness this year, you have to make a commitment to an exercise program that works for you! And that means you must add the fun factor. Whether you run, lift tons or dance in the sun, your move-more routines must be enjoyable in order to remain sustainable. The list of benefits is super long, so let's focus on five of the many reasons exercise is important to your well-being...

Oh, Nuts! Omega-3s Are In Scales And Kale, Too!

What one nutritional source can help to improve eye health, lower risks of heart disease, fight inflammation, support bone health, promote healthy skin and hair, and protect against age-related mental decline? It’s your omega-3 fatty acids! Where can you find omega-3s in abundant supply? Keep reading to discover your many options for adding omega-3-rich foods to your diet...

Take Advantage Of Your Age

Are you afraid of getting older? Thinking you’re too old to begin a new path is a limiting viewpoint, but it does not have to be your truth. You’re still here for a reason. And that reason is this is the season to shine your light. Be present for what’s next. Begin viewing your age as an advantage. Appreciate the benefits of being a mature, seasoned woman here...

Your Season Of Transformation Begins When You Step Forward

These uncertain times have caused many to acknowledge the need to make changes in their lives. Although change is not always easy, reflecting on your Divine purpose can provide the right mindset. And having the proper mindset is critical for initiating a transformation. Reflect and learn from others. The following simple suggestions may refresh your spirit and help light your path...

Plastic, Planning And Personal Pivots

One super conscious way to give back that doesn’t require much forethought is to improve the earth’s health by reducing your use of plastic. Plastics are detrimental to just about everything related to living on earth. And we can’t seem to get rid of it. However, we can do our part by reducing our use of it. Last year, we talked about reducing our use of plastic bottles and plastic straws. This year, let’s broaden our efforts by reducing our use of plastic containers. Find out more here...

Establish New Bonds Within A Spiritual Community

Are you looking to solve the issue of isolation? Staying connected is vital to our overall health and well-being. But as we get older, it’s not always easy or comfortable to actively seek new and meaningful relationships. So what can you do? Try to find connection within a spiritual community. Find out why this may be a great option for you...

Mentorship: One Shift To Showcase Your Gifts

Would you like to know how to repurpose your life while making a huge impact in the world? There are many options, right? But one rewarding way to transform your life this year is to share it with others. Have you ever thought about mentoring in your community? Being of service to others adds meaning and purpose to your life. Explore the amazing benefits here...

Lights Out! Time For Bed!

Are you getting your required hours of restorative sleep? You can’t transform your life feeling foggy and worn out. Today, I’d like to suggest one tip to improve your chances of sleeping soundly through the night and waking up in the morning feeling refreshed. Find out why maintaining a consistent bedtime regimen will help you get the rest you need so you can lead the life of your dreams...

The Transforming Power Of Greens

To be your best, there’s a lot you can do nutritionally to support your health. Today, let’s focus on one nutritional powerhouse — greens! Should greens become part of your balanced meal plan? Green vegetables. Green herbs. Learn what greens can do for you and specific reasons why you'll want to start incorporating them into your daily protocol. Find out more here...

Seven Elements For A Balanced Life

Have you been thinking about what you want 2021 to look like? These are challenging times, and because I want to inspire you to live a more fulfilling life, our posts this year will focus on ways for you to experience positive transformation. What steps can you begin taking right now to show up as your best self? I have discovered that in order to live my best life, seven elements that comprise everyday living must be balanced. Discover the seven lifestyle elements here...

Payments, Patience, And A Purpose!

If you were gifted $1200, what would you do with it? Take a vacation? Pay off some bills? Open a savings account? Buy yourself something special? Do you want to know how to collect your gift? In this article, you will learn ways to put your hands on your $1200. All you need is patience, discipline and a small deposit at the beginning of the week. Find out more here...

What Will Day Two Look Like?

Do you sometimes feel that your identity has been so wrapped up in family responsibilities and others’ expectations that you’re not sure how to shine your own light? Be encouraged! Today is the first day of your new life, and you get to choose what day two looks like. Uncover what’s been holding you back so your truth can be revealed. Permit your inner wisdom to guide you. Read more about how to declare and honor a bold declaration...

Are The Sweet Treats Between Your Teeth Affecting Your Smile?

Do you regularly brush and floss your teeth? Not only does this practice help to prevent bad breath and keep our teeth and gums healthy as we age, it also helps us maintain a positive self-image. Did you know that there are two more things you can do to protect your teeth other than brushing and flossing? One has to do with sugar and the other has to do with fruits and vegetables. Learn more here...